Superstition, Witchcraft Lindsay Valenty Superstition, Witchcraft Lindsay Valenty

Valais Witch Trials

Lindsay and Madison kick off Wicked March Madness and discuss the Valais Witch Trials, as well as why you should protect your wine cellar from black bears, that famine can bring out the worst in people, and how to start the worst craze in history with a bang.

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Witchcraft, Paranormal Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, Paranormal Lindsay Valenty

North Berwick Witch Trials

Lindsay and Madison discuss the North Berwick Witch Trials, as well as how to blame bad weather on witchcraft, that horrific torture isn’t a good flex, and that killing people based on testimony that you got just so the torture would stop makes you a royal a-hole.

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Witchcraft, Paranormal Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, Paranormal Lindsay Valenty

St. Omer Witch

Lindsay and Madison discuss the St. Omer Witch, as well as the pervasive power of gossip, that if you want to leave a lasting legacy, have a cool ass headstone, and that you should always proofread before you make things permanent.

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Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty

Pendle Witches

Lindsay and Madison discuss the Pendle Witches, as well as why family feuds are dangerous, that it’s not cool to accuse members of your family of being witches, and the triumphant return of listener questions.

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Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty

Margaret Barclay

Lindsay and Madison discuss the trial of Margaret Barclay, as well as why there’s no such thing as “gentle torture,” that Devil dogs sound adorable, and that family feuds should never be grounds for accusing someone of being a witch.

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Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty

Torsåker Witch Trials

Lindsay and Madison discuss the Torsåker Witch Trials, as well as why it’s never okay to torture children, that the word of a child should never be taken as law, and how to go down in history for committing something horrific.

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Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, History Lindsay Valenty

Polish Witch Trials

Lindsay and Madison discuss the Polish Witch Trials, as well as how NOT to be a good witch, that it’s okay to condemn people to death as long as you get permission first, and how the Devil does his dirty deeds.

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Witchcraft, Bad Ideas Lindsay Valenty Witchcraft, Bad Ideas Lindsay Valenty

Sin Eaters

Lindsay and Madison discuss Sin Eaters, as well as why bread can be dangerously delicious, that you should be appreciative of the kindnesses given to you, and how witch hunts can happen even when no witchcraft is involved.

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