The Witch of Plum Hollow with Ashley from Studying Scarlet
Lindsay and special guest, Ashley from Studying Scarlet and Pineapple Pizza, discuss the Witch of Plum Hollow, as well as how many children may be too many children, that reading tea leaves can be affordable and prophetic, and why you shouldn’t curse your neighbors butter churn.
Casket Girls of New Orleans
Lindsay and Madison discuss the Casket Girls of New Orleans, as well as why you shouldn’t ship women overseas like cattle, that sometimes you get what you pay for, and that not seeing sunlight in 6 months automatically makes you a vampire.
Bertha Heyman
Lindsay and Madison discuss con-artist Bertha Heyman, as well as how you can seemingly make it as long as you have “confidence,” that it’s never okay to fat-shame someone (even if they’re an asshole), and how you can find a new career even after a life of crime.
Punishments For Women
Lindsay and Madison discuss the punishments that women endured throughout history, as well as why life for women was so terrifying, that women are stronger than you might think, and how we need to be better.
Disappearance of Theodosia Burr Alston
Lindsay and Madison discuss the mystery surrounding Theodosia Burr Alston, as well as the fact that ladies can be hella smart, that having a super close relationship with your dad can come across as kinda icky if he makes it weird, and how many ways you could disappear in the early 1800s.