Superstition, Witchcraft Lindsay Valenty Superstition, Witchcraft Lindsay Valenty

Valais Witch Trials

Lindsay and Madison kick off Wicked March Madness and discuss the Valais Witch Trials, as well as why you should protect your wine cellar from black bears, that famine can bring out the worst in people, and how to start the worst craze in history with a bang.

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Middle Ages, Superstition Lindsay Valenty Middle Ages, Superstition Lindsay Valenty

Unicorn Horns

Lindsay and Madison discuss Unicorn Horns, as well as their unique (or not so unique) origins, that owning a unicorn horn in the Middle Ages was akin to owning a castle, and how you should never leave trust someone selling you powdered unicorn horn - unless they test it first with spiders.

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