The Great Kansas Grasshoppocalypse of 1874 from Doomsday: History’s Most Dangerous Podcast
In this special feed drop episode from our friend Brad at Doomsday: History’s Most Dangerous Podcast, you’ll learn the horror of insect biomass, that some problems can only be solved with a knife and a fork, and you’ll need them because we are facing our very first extinction level event.
Renwick Smallpox Hospital
Lindsay and Madison discuss the Renwick Smallpox Hospital, as well as why size matters when it comes to treatment centers, that history has a funny way of repeating itself, and how to effectively cure a plague that’s claimed billions.
Plague Village of Eyam
Lindsay and Madison discuss the Plague Village of Eyam, as well as how inventive they were in remaining no contact, that vinegar has many uses, and how far-reaching the effects of simple acts of kindness can be.
The Great Dying
Lindsay and Madison discuss the pre-Thanksgiving tragedy that was The Great Dying, as well as the dangers of introducing foreign disease, that it’s gross to say plagues are “part of God’s divine plan,” and how devastating a single drop of pee can be (listen and you’ll get it).