Violent Delights, Violent Ends with Nicole Von Germeten
Lindsay is joined by author Nicole Von Germeten to discuss her book, “Violent Delights, Violent Ends: Sex, Race, and Honor in Colonial Cartagena de Indias.”
"America’s Counterfeit Democracy" with Michael C. Anderson
Lindsay is joined by author and fellow podcaster Michael C. Anderson to discuss his latest work, “America’s Counterfeit Democracy: Rule of the Power Elite,” which was published on September 2, 2024 by Simms Books Publishing Corporation.
"The Sinners All Bow" with Kate Winkler Dawson
Lindsay is joined by author and fellow podcaster Kate Winkler Dawson to discuss her latest work, “The Sinners All Bow,” which released on January 7th, 2025.
Cops & Writers and "The Good Collar" with Patrick O'Donnell
Lindsay is joined by author and fellow podcaster Patrick O’Donnell to discuss his show, “Cops & Writers,” as well as his latest novel, “The Good Collar.”
Tomb Raiding with Neil Laird
Lindsay is joined by author and producer Neil Laird to discuss the oldest court case regarding tomb robbing in ancient Egypt.
Death in Old Mexico with Nicole Von Germeten
Lindsay is joined by author Nicole Von Germeten to discuss her book, Death in Old Mexico: The 1789 Dongo Murders and How They Shaped the History of a Nation.
Priestess of Ishana with Judith Starkston
Lindsay is joined by author Judith Starkston to discuss her book, Priestess of Ishana.
The Curse of Cortés with Guy Morris
Lindsay is joined by author Guy Morris to discuss his book, The Curse of Cortés.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Shannon Lawrence
Lindsay is joined by author Shannon Lawrence from the Mysteries, Monsters & Mayhem podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Midlife Magic with Jo Ann Fawcett
Lindsay is joined by wise woman-crone and author Jo Ann Fawcett (formerly Richards) to discuss her book, Midlife Magic.
Eastern State Penitentiary with Dr. Paul Kahan
Lindsay is joined by historian and author Dr. Paul Kahan to discuss the history of Eastern State Penitentiary.
The League of Lady Poisoners with Lisa Perrin
Lindsay and Madison are joined by Lisa Perrin, the author and illustrator behind the new book “The League of Lady Poisoners: Illustrated True Stories of Dangerous Women,” which will be released September 19, 2023.
Under the Banner of King Death with David Lester and Marcus Rediker
Lindsay is joined by David Lester and Marcus Rediker, the illustrator and author behind the new graphic novel “Under the Banner of King Death: Pirates of the Atlantic,” which will be released February 7, 2023.
The Infamous Harry Hayward with Shawn Peters
Lindsay is joined by Shawn Peters, author of the book “The Infamous Harry Hayward.” A fascinating tale of seduction, murder, fraud, coercion, and the “Minneapolis Monster” Harry Hayward—a serial seducer and schemer deemed a “Svengali,” a “lunatic,” and a “man without a soul.”
Bathsheba Spooner — A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy with Andrew Noone
Lindsay is joined by Andrew Noone, author of the book “Bathsheba Spooner: A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy.” The story of Bathsheba Spooner has alternately fascinated and baffled residents of Worcester County for centuries. It was, in fact, the most sensational “true crime” tragedy of the American 1700’s.