Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Autumn’s Oddities
Lindsay is joined by Autumn from the Autumn’s Oddities podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? The Victorian Variety Show
Lindsay is joined by Marisa from the Victorian Variety Show podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? eSpooky Tales
Lindsay is joined by Cristina and MJ from the eSpooky Tales podcast to see if they can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? It’s Murder Up North
Lindsay is joined by Jenny from the It’s Murder Up North podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Once Upon a Nightmare
Lindsay is joined by Lorraine from the Once Upon a Nightmare podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Golden Age of Piracy with Shots and Thoughts
In this special crossover episode with Shots and Thoughts podcast, Lindsay and Madison, along with Sean and Chris, learn about the Golden Age of Piracy. You also get to hear Lindsay and Madison freestyle rap if that’s an extra draw for you.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? History Rage
Lindsay is joined by Paul from the History Rage podcast to see if he can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Horror House: True Crime and The Macabre
Lindsay is joined by Dom from the Horror House: True Crime and The Macabre podcast to see if he can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Nopeville
Lindsay is joined by Jen and Christine from the Nopeville podcast to see if they can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Armchair Historians
Lindsay is joined by Anne Marie from the Armchair Historians podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Homespun Haints
Lindsay is joined by Becky and Diana from the Homespun Haints podcast to see if they can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Freaky AF
Lindsay is joined by Syrai from the Freaky AF podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Beyond the Rainbow
Lindsay is joined by CJ from Beyond the Rainbow podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Leave the Lights On
Lindsay is joined by Eliza from Leave the Lights On podcast to see if she can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? The Dumb, Found Dead
Lindsay is joined by John from The Dumb, Found Dead podcast to see if he can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? A Little Wicked
Lindsay is joined by Kayla and Lexi from A Little Wicked to see if they can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? Shots And Thoughts
Lindsay is joined by Sean from Shots and Thoughts podcast to see if he can decipher what a couple of Victorian slang terms mean.
Can You Crack The Cramp-Word? First Annual Cramp-Off
Lindsay is joined by Jules from the Riddle Me That!/The Path Went Chilly podcasts as well as Josh, Sean, and John from Reddit on Wiki for our first annual Cramp-Off. Who will win?
D.B. Cooper with The Jury Room
In the final of our December guest episode series, we'll be listening to The Jury Room podcast where Lindsay discusses the unsolved mystery that is the D.B. Cooper case with Kevin. This will be a double-feature that includes Kevin’s full episode on the case and the Afterthought that Lindsay took part in discussing the case.
The Hinterkaifeck Murders with Victimology
In the fourth of our December guest episode series, we'll be listening to the Victimology podcast where Lindsay & Madison discuss the unsolved case of the Hinterkaifeck Murders with Melissa.